Author’s note: The following is loosely based on the story
of Cupid and Psyche. I’ve never written anything even vaguely romantic before
but I wanted to get out of my comfort zone a bit. I decided to go modern and
also trade Psyche’s psychical beauty for a beautiful personality and Cupid’s
godliness for musical talent. The fantasy elements have been taken out since I
wanted to touch on how their meeting might have occurred under more “ideal” and
modern circumstances, while keeping the whole, “I don’t really know you but I
love you!” thing. It was definitely a challenge for me to fit everything I want
in to write into less than 1000 words, but I hope my main point gets across!
The Man Behind the Mask
She had
never heard the voice of a god, but she knew if she did it would sound like
this. The lilt of Cupid’s baritone voice drifted through the speakers, putting
Psyche into a trance while she prepared for work. She had been obsessed with
the musician from the moment he made his debut. The mask concealing his
identity did nothing to muffle the sweet siren song from escaping his lips, and
she knew right away that she had fallen for him with a strength not usually
found in silly celebrity crushes. True to his pseudonym, Cupid had struck
Psyche with his arrow.
Psyche — who preferred this nickname to her real name Penelope — devoted her life to helping others. As a nurse, she played an important role in
giving aid and saving lives. From women bringing life into the world to men
taking their last breathes, Psyche had experienced every facet of joy and
sorrow that came along with her job, and she wouldn't trade it for anything. She was praised for her passion and selflessness. Friends, family, and strangers constantly
came to her for advice. While she loved helping them, her work and her frequent
unofficial counselling sessions left Psyche with little time for herself. She
told herself her life was great and she had what she wanted, she was useful. But nobody ever took the time
out to get to know the real Psyche or help her when she needed advice. Deep down inside of her lived a nagging loneliness,
one that only lifted when she heard a certain masked musician’s voice.
It was
a particularly slow night at work, so Psyche made herself busy attending to a
young man who was recovering from surgery. His parents had stayed with him for
the whole week. They were fortunate to have flexible jobs in the music industry
that allowed them to decide their own schedules. The parents would ask Psyche about her life
every time she walked in to check on her patient. She had told them nearly
everything: her hopes and dreams, her favorite book, and even hinted at her
love for Cupid. That night, instead of asking more questions, the parents had a
surprise for her. To thank her for taking care of their son, the couple
presented Psyche with a concert ticket to see Cupid. She was floored. And she
almost passed out when she heard the words “backstage pass.”

months passed, and it was now the night that Psyche had been waiting for with a
nearly debilitating mix of excitement and anxiety. She thought her emotions
would settle after the concert, but standing in the room meant to
entertain her favorite musician and his band was overwhelming. And when he walked
into the room her emotions swelled to such heights that she was sure this was a
sign of her impending death. But she didn't die. Rather, she stood with her
mouth open, gaping at the confused masked man who hadn't been told of this visitor. Collecting himself, Cupid invited the girl to sit with him. They
talked for hours and he was instantly attracted to her beautiful personality. He
knew he needed her in his life.
numbers were traded and Cupid and Psyche’s relationship began to bloom. They
chatted primarily through text and phone calls, and although she had yet to see
his face, Psyche learned more about Cupid than anyone else would ever know. His
real name was Christopher, but he had taken on his childhood nickname as his
musical persona since it sounded catchier. He grew up in a strict household
where he was molded into a child prodigy. His musical training stuck with him
through the years, and that’s how he got into the entertainment business. He
decided to use a mask to conceal his identity in attempt to keep some semblance
of privacy in his life. Cupid told Psyche about his beautiful but often
irrational mother whose love life, he thought, should have a novel dedicated to
it. He worried that upon meeting, she would put Psyche to impossible tests to
prove her love for him since his mom had a habit of trying to bring down other
women who she thought were getting more attention than she was.
asked for permission to tell her two best friends that they were dating. They
were like sisters to her, and she hated to keep such important secrets from
them. Cupid reluctantly gave her permission, but asked her not to indulge too
much if they asked for details about his life and appearance. She agreed and
enthusiastically told her friends the story of how she met one of the world’s
most famous musicians. When asked for details, she made up a story about his
life and the girls believed her. But they were extremely jealous that their
friend managed to catch such a rich and famous man while they were stuck dating
men who couldn’t even find a proper job. After much prying, Psyche admitted
that she didn’t know what her boyfriend looked like. It had never bothered her
before, but she began to feel uneasy when her friends started coming up with
stories of how disfigured he must be.
It was his voice that originally
attracted Psyche to Cupid. She liked to think that any disfigurement wouldn't be a
problem, but now she needed to know. She discussed the issue with Cupid and he decided he trusted her enough to confide in her his identity. They met at
his place and when Cupid took off his mask to reveal the handsome young man
underneath, Psyche thought nothing could ever get in the way of their love. But then his mother arrived at the door.
The End.