Monday, August 11, 2014

[Week 1] My favorite place: Yamaguchi, Japan

I spent March to August of 2013 studying abroad in Japan. I chose to attend Yamaguchi University which is located, as the name suggests, in Yamaguchi prefecture. Apparently choosing to study abroad Yamaguchi is kind of like choosing to study abroad Oklahoma, since every time I would mention my plans to a Japanese person they would give me a quizzical look and ask, "why not Tokyo?" 

Below is a picture of Yamaguchi City. The people have worked hard to maintain Yamaguchi's rural charm without cutting out any of the modern conveniences of a bigger city. 
(Yamaguchi City: Wikimedia Commons)

Rurikoji is a five story pagoda in Yamaguchi City that was built in 1442. Because of its size and beauty, Rurikoji is considered to be one of the best temples in Japan. The temple is lit up from below at night and makes for a very dramatic scene.

(Personal photo of Rurikoji Temple in Yamaguchi City)

My friend and I were invited to go on a trip with some visitors from Korea to a medieval city called Hagi. While we were there, we hiked to the top of a mountain and found a particularly magical looking area that had a mysterious little salt water pond. Unfortunately, pictures can't do it justice. 

(Personal photo from a mountain Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)

The mall in Yamaguchi, Youme Town, had an arcade/casino on the top floor that was decked out with games and purikura machines. My friends and I decided to take the obligatory stereotypical Japanese girl pictures together. I still keep the print in my wallet as a memory of my time spent in Japan and the crazy friends I made. 

(Personal photo from a purikura machine)


  1. Oh, this is just great - I knew this would be a fun assignment because of all the different places people have been. How wonderful that you got to study in Japan! Yamaguchi looks lovely! We have some Japanese stories coming up in class later, so maybe during that two-week section of the class you will want to double up and do two sets of Japanese stories. And people have done some great Japanese projects for their Storybooks... one of my all-time favorites is this one based on Japanese urban legends: so cool!
    Tokyo Underworld

  2. Oh how cool! I've always wanted to visit Japan. I'm actually trying to study abroad next summer as well.I'm really looking forward to it, especially after reading you experience. I've always found the people, culture, and food incredibly interesting. Yamaguchi looks so green and pretty! Also I love sticker pictures, I swear they are the most ingenious invention ever. Yamaguchi will now be on my "Places to travel" list!
