Monday, September 1, 2014

[Week 3] Reading Diary - Ovid II

The Ovid II

Part 1:
(Rape of Prosperina: Wikimedia Commons)

Cupid and Dis: -Venus wants Cupid to shoot Dis with an arrow to help expand her kingdom
Dis and Proserpine:
-Dis rapes Proserpine while she's collecting flowers
-Her mother Ceres searches for her and is enraged when she realizes she was raped
Ceres and Jupiter:
-Ceres goes to Jupiter and asks to have Proserpine and Dis separated. Jupiter says the only way would be for Proserpine to never eat again.
Persephone's Fate:
-She broke her fast
-Jupiter divides year into halves so Persephone spends half time with her mother and half with her husband.
Arachne and Minerva:
-Minevera wants praise
-Arachne won't praise her unless she wins in a competition of spinning
-They compete
Minerva Weaves a Web:
-Minerva and Arachne both weave images of gods
-Arachne commits suicide and is turned into a spider
Niobe Rejects Latona:
-Niobe will not worship Latona because she things
The Death of Niobe's Children:
-Latona is angry and has Niobe's sons killed
-Niobe is sad but still claims to be better than Latona
-Her daughters are killed as well
Latona and the Lycians:
-Latona is thirsty but not allowed to drink from a pond 
-She curses the men who refused her and makes them live in the swamp/pond forever as frogs
-Marsyas' death is retold
Tereus Marries Procne
 -Pandion allows Tereus to marry his daughter Pronce
-Tereus falls in love with Pronce's sister Philomela

Tereus Rapes Philomela

-Pandion trusts Tereus with his daughter (Philomela)
-Tereus rapes her
-Philomela is mad and tells Tereus how evil he is
-Tereus is angry and mutilates her

Procne's Revenge

-Philomela has a servant take a woven message to Pronce
-Pronce goest to the palace to rescue her sister
-Itys is killed and eaten
-Tereus is mad and he, Pronce, and Philomela turn into birds and fly away

Medea and Jason

-Medea is desperately in love with Jason
-Cupid is unable to help her

Jason and the Golden Fleece

-Medea runs into Jason and he asks her for help with his task
-Jason promises to marry Medea if she helps him, so Medea agrees.
-Jason manages to fight his way to the golden fleece. 

Medea's Spell

-Jason's father is near death so Medea is asked to make him youthful again
-She leaves on a chariot pulled by dragons to get herbs for him

Aeson Rejuvenated

-Medea collects herbs and other ingredients to help Aeson
-She replaces his blood with it and he is rejuvenated

Medea and Pelias

-Medea helps Pelias' daughters kill him
- She ends up at Corinth where Jason's wife Glauce was killed and then kills their sons
-Medea then ran from Jason and Aegeus gives her shelter and marries her

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